Transformational coaching for the design-minded

Authentic Leadership 
for Empowered Careers.

In the fast-paced world of ambitious professionals, rising leaders often find themselves at a career impasse, grappling with the challenges that lie ahead. I provide practical guidance to creatives in tech-related fields, helping them overcome personal and professional obstacles the next step in their career. Together, we build confidence, clarity, and a pathway to professional success that truly aligns with their authentic leadership style.


Identify Opportunities and Get Results

Through this dynamic coaching process, we will define your strengths and clarify goals that fit you best. I will help you define your priorities, strengthen your time management skills, and build stronger teams and support networks. Ultimately when you work with me, you can look forward to a calmer, more confident outlook. You'll be more grounded in difficult situations because you understand what drives you. You'll be sure of your values, clear on what you want, and see your path forward.

Career evolution

Helping Leaders at a Crossroads

The skills that brought you to your current career stage are not always the ones that will move you forward. My clients are high-level performers who find themselves at a crossroads of their career, where they: 

  • Aspire to achieve a promotion, transition to a new role, or seek additional responsibilities
  • Need support finding new roles or exploring job titles.
  • Need help preparing for interviews and salary negotiation.
  • Are unclear on expectations from their leadership.
  • Need guidance on managing cross-functional relationships.
  • Feel burnt out and overwhelmed.
  • Are managing large teams for the first time.
  • Are at a level of leadership where they lack direct superiors and need guidance.

Transformational Coaching

I offer three unique paths for individuals to explore their potential, integrating mindfulness, empowerment, and effective communication to help you navigate your professional journey while fostering personal growth along the way.

"Develop" icon


Taking a professional leap year? Supercharge your growth with
dedicated support.

"create" icon


Move the needle and get to the 
next level professionally with this 
goal-oriented package.

Podcasts icon


Do you have a specific issue you need to address? This laser-focused offering helps you find clarity quickly on your next steps.

Ready to realize your own brilliance?

Learn more

Moving Beyond Limitations

Interested in what my clients have to say about working with me?

“I think of our coaching sessions just about everyday. They were incredibly helpful in moving through mental obstacles in my personal life and professional life. In my professional life, the obstacles are still there. I just navigate them differently.”

Courtney Kaplan

With over 25 years of design experience, I've learned the importance of personal transformation in shaping our careers and lives. My diverse background and training enable me to guide individuals on a path of self-discovery and reinvention. I believe that embracing change from within empowers us to create the life we desire, and that having a coach to partner with provides an advantage in a complex and demanding world.

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a Recharge + Reset Ritual

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as you develop your leadership style.

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