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A New Season. A New Start.

A New Season. A New Start.

Wishing you a happy spring. What season are you entering?

Most of my clients begin to work with me because they want to - or need to - change something. Whatever seemed “fine” before…isn’t fine anymore.

When you’re in that space, here are a few ways that have been helpful for me to create change:

Declare a season

Spring may put a spring in your step, but maybe you are actually trying to find joy again? Or trying to restore yourself from years of stress and uncertainty? What season fits where you are right now? You can declare your own season for the next few months. Below I have a few examples:

A season of rest - Although it seems “staying home” shouldn’t be exhausting, the disruption in our routines, our support systems, our added responsibilities, reduced outlets to socialize and connect can mean you’re wiped out. Work and home blend. Our brains are exhausted from processing Zoom meetings. We can commit to a season of rest:

  • Commit to solid regular sleep routines (ahem, put the phone down.)
  • Setting aside time to do things you find restoring.
  • Finding comfort. Someone or something that helps you feel reassured.

A season of inspiration - A season of inspiration is making some time to explore, see something new, try something different. Inspiration can pop up in examining details, focusing on smaller things immediately around you. Or break out of a routine or habit. Routines can be incredibly supportive but they also be numbing or limiting.

  • Take photos of things that catch your interest- start an album of “inspiration”
  • Be curious and ask your friends new questions. There’s an unexplored universe in every person.
  • Have a habit that’s “meh”? Try something totally different.

Seasons have a mood and direction. They’re a spirit we hold. They’re a loosely held idea where the “how” can be something we experiment with in order to get to an end goal.

Ask yourself

Start with a few questions. Keep it simple.

  • What do I want to experience more of in my life?
  • What do I feel needs some attention in my life?

Give yourself a few reminders about the season you’ve chosen. Put a stickie on your computer. Set a phone alarm. Find pictures that remind your of your declared season. Moving into a new season isn’t a “goal” or “working hard” its a way of being you’d like to explore for a bit, so take it easy and let it bring wonder.

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